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    break the silence.. about No298
    작성자 |pine tree 등록일 |2003-02-28 00:00:00 조회수 |434
    To. manager`s room I am sorry for the trouble I have caused you. yet, are you hard to say? If that was the case, you might have told me so beforehand. that`s OK !! have a good day!! Ah! 글구.. congratulations on happy news of the hospital !! ~~~ a wink !
    break the silence.. about No298
    작성자 |pine tree
    등록일 |2003-02-28 00:00:00
    조회수 |434
    To. manager`s room I am sorry for the trouble I have caused you. yet, are you hard to say? If that was the case, you might have told me so beforehand. that`s OK !! have a good day!! Ah! 글구.. congratulations on happy news of the hospital !! ~~~ a wink !